Schedule meetings faster with Calendly

Avoid email ping-pong when scheduling meetings

Scheduling meetings can be time-consuming — Especially in times of working from home when our calendars tend to be full anyways. Learn how to save your precious time and schedule meetings faster.


You are planning a meeting with externals. Your calendar is full. Their calendars are full. You send out an email with proposed dates. And then you wait… ⏳ Finally an answer from your partner or client. Yay!

“Unfortunately none of your proposed dates work for me. Any alternatives?”

Oh… He/she’s not available within your proposed time slots. You ask for alternatives. And then… exactly… you wait…⏳
The partner or client proposes alternative dates. You check your calendar. Damn! Doesn’t work for you. You propose alternative dates. And then… (you already guessed what’s next, right?) you wait…⏳

Are you familiar with that situation?

Good news: That’s not necessary.

No matter whether you are using Google, Outlook, Office 365 or iCloud as your calendar Calendly can easily solve that problem for you and save your precious time on a day-to-day basis. In the basic version — which is usually sufficient — it’s free to use.

Just sign up on, connect your calendar and you’re ready to go. There are tons of options to configure it to your needs. The default settings are usually good enough to start.

Calendly will not only take care of scheduling but will also automatically add a link to your Zoom, Google Meet, Teams,… account.

(Note: This is not a paid advertisement, I’m just a fan)


The (luckily) old way to schedule meetings.


Your new way to schedule meetings.



Thomas Krammer

With more than 15 years of experience in web development and my entrepreneurial mindset I’m leading international product teams at onlyfy by XING